Toggle Log-Screen (top right of main screen) between traditional log-view and the new SubTotal / Transaction view
Tap into loscreen to toggle between subtotal-view and log-view
We reworked the printing system and added compatibility for various new Epson printers
Bluetooth printing to Epson iOS-Bluetooth printers now available. Perfect for mobile printers like TM-P20!
Searching Bluetooth printerBluetooth printer found
Various enhancements:
Added «Manual text» to sales report
Substituted «SubTotal»-button results in two more payment-buttons (see above)
Mehr Zahlmethoden möglich. Vorher 4, jetzt 6
Tap-and-hold onto user-button prints money report from this user
Tap-and-hold onto Cash-button prints money report system wide (since last close-day in »Z»-mode)
Full integration of iZettle (CC payment provider)
Full integration of SumUp (CC payment provider)
New crash reporter. In case of an app crash, Cashy-POS will send us the context where Cashy crashed. No transaction-data will be submitted, only information about the code-module crashing, version of the iOS and iPad used and some general data like free memory, time and date etc. will be transmitted