
This screen shows the transaction in process.

  • In the top right corner it shows what you are typing on the numerical keyboard
  • In the top-left corner it displays the active user
  • In the middle it will display the name of the contact assigned to that transaction (if ever)
  • Swiping horizontally over a registered product will pop up a green «Invert» button and a red «Delete» button:
    – «Delete«: Will remove the chosen line (item) when tapped (see «Fast Cancel»)
    – «Invert«: Will invert the transaction (change the + into – ) which is useful when a client want to return a product in exchange of another one.  This way both products will be registered in a single transaction and will be printed on the same receipt.
    Example: »2 x Jeans 20.00» will become »-2 x Jeans -20.00»
  • Taping onto an already registered item, its count will increase by one

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