Click here (LINK) for the list of the supported printers.

Please note that all above printers should have an integrated Ethernet interface. iPads can NOT use USB, Parallel or Serial interface !

We recommend connecting the printer by Ethernet wire to a WiFi-router (which does not need to have Internet ! ). The iPad then connects wirelessly onto the WiFi router and can reach the receipt-printer.

Most of the Bluetooth printers from Epson are also supported. As well as the Bluetooth printer-drawer combination »mPOP» from Star Micronics. A perfect solution where space is rare, e.g. food trucks, etc

We can not promise it, but Cashy-POS should work with every printer understanding the printer language ESC/POS and being connected to the iPad by LAN or WLAN-interface.

If you were successfully connecting to other printer, please drop us a short message (LINK). You will help many other users by sharing this information.

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