Receipt-Option: Customize receipts or create your own receipts (including body-details)
Receipt-Option: Choose the receipts for printing. Multiple receipts are possible
Receipt-Option: Print receipts on AirPrint capable printers
Receipt-Option: Print and mail a receipt at the same time
Receipt-Option: Print receipts twice
Journal/Cash book: At Close-day a journal containing detailed transactions is attached to the email. Cash payments are sumed-up and carried over to the next day
Voucher-Option: Define a category as «Voucher». Sales into a «Voucher»-tagged category will not be added to the general sales but shown dedicated on the close reports. Also «Voucher»-sales will not contain VAT. Additionally, a payment-button «Voucher» is created to manage Voucher-sales
Category-Option: Define which categories should be shown on main screen
Category-Option: Create as much categories as you need
Product-Option: Tag a product as service (for book-keeping purposes)
Product-Option: When registering a product, a free text can be added. Perfect for serial numbers or additional voucher-information
Diverse enhancements:
User rights: Limit access to the «Cashflow»-button on main screen
Bestseller-buttons: More colours to choose
Bestseller-buttons: Multiple taps will increase the item count
Transactions: Taping onto a line in the transaction-screen (top-left on main screen) will increase its item count